Calendar of Events

Winthrop Balloon Roundup
MARCH 4 – 6, 2022
Friday: 7AM – Balloons begin to inflate and launch from the field behind the Winthrop Inn and stay afloat for 2-3 hours. Spectators are free and welcome. It’s a magical experience with the bright colors against the white, snow background. Balloon rides are available from Snohomish Balloon Rides.
Saturday: 7AM – Balloons begin to inflate and launch from the field behind the Winthrop Inn and stay afloat for 2-3 hours. Spectators are free and welcome. It’s a magical experience with the bright colors against the white, snow background. Balloon rides are available from Snohomish Balloon Rides.
Saturday: 5PM – 6PM – Nighttime Balloon Glow spectacular show of several hot air balloons inflate, glow while anchored in place Downtown Winthrop. These enormous glowing “lanterns” are not to be missed.
Sunday: 7:30AM Balloon Inflation and launch from the field behind the Winthrop Inn and stay afloat for 2-3 hours. Spectators are free and welcome. It’s a magical experience with the bright colors against the white, snow background. Balloon rides are available from Morning Glory Balloon Tours.
River’s Edge Resort is a Proud Sponsor of this Event

Winthrop ’49er Days
May 6 – 8, 2022 Celebrating 77 Years!
Winthrop Washingtons’ 49er Days is an old west festival of the rich western and horse history. Kicking off with the Annual Ride the Rendezvous, a week-long horse packing excursion through the Methow Valley and ending by riding through downtown Winthrop where the community comes out to celebrate their return. If you are interested in joining the ride contact the Washington Outfitters Guide & Association.
10:30AM: West Coast Country Heat Street Dancers perform on Riverside Avenue.
11AM The 49’er Days Parade begins through the main street with plenty of horses, bands, old-time vehicles, horse packs and more.
12NOON – 2PM: Old Fashioned Games in front of Sheri’s Sweet Shoppe including egg toss, pie eating contest, international gummy bear spitting and a rock-paper scissors contest.
Activities in the Mack Lloyd Park and Barn
Truly an enjoyable experience strolling through the outfitter display camps with cooked campfire food and coffee available for purchase, watch Packing Demonstrations, Mountain Men Tomahawk Throwing, Bow & Arrow target shooting, crafts, live music, Roping, Bull Whip lessons and more.
12:00 Noon – 2:00PM: Food Services Available: Hot Dogs, Brats & Pulled Pork
5:00-6:30PM: Outfitter Dinner in the Park, steak, BBQ and Dutch Oven fixings $25
7:00-9:00PM: Around the Campfire cowboy poetry, music and stories in the Barn $10
9:30PM: Country Western Family Dance in the Barn $7

Christmas at the End of the Road
November 25-26, 2022
Winthrop’s traditional kick-off to the Holiday Season in true Western Style with a spectacular Fireworks Display that lights up the entire town. This is a family must do! Due to the Global Pandemic, this event will be modified and we encourage you to Shop Local. Our Merchants are ready to Welcome You!
Friday Happenings
10:00 – 5:00PM Local Visitor’s Information Center will be open where you will be welcomed by the friendly concierge staff that can answer questions, make recommendations, provide you with brochures and maps.
Our Local Shops will be OPEN for shopping local this holiday season.
Saturday Happenings
All DAY: Local Shops, the Visitor Information Center and the Winthrop Ice Rink will be Open.
5:00PM Town Lighting. All the buildings downtown are lined with white holiday lights and turned on by each individual business
6:00PM Fireworks Extravaganza! View from Downtown Winthrop.
River’s Edge Resort is a Proud Sponsor of this Event